We have a vision!
The votes have all been counted and the country independents have had their say. In the end, the federal election 2010 boiled down to the brouha over
NBN. While I don't like the look of our parliament, the political football has finally touched down on the side of the National Broadband Network, and I for one am pleased.
NBN is a vision for a better Australia and it takes courage and determination to see this through. It will also take about $43 billion, let's not forget that.
At a recent Sydney business get-together, one participant was quite agressively anti-NBN, offering up arguments such as "it will be redundant in 2 years" or "it will cost too much". Acting, in fact, as if I had just asked him to foot that bill from his own pocket. Speaking from fear, ignorance or both, I am sure that he is not at all happy with Labour winning on the back of the NBN policy. In the meantime, the government commitment to the NBN allows businesses like mine to get on with the job of creating amazing software and joining the global market, an opportunity that is there for all Australians. And I plan to give any assistance I can to other small to medium sized business to do the same.
BPOS - Leading the Way Into the Cloud
I started this blog to assist others who are virtualising their business to get into the cloud and
there is much excitement coming out of the BPOS story. I would definately recommend that you read the DeployHR case study on the Microsoft website:
Really, there is so much content in this case study that it doesn't bear repeating here. In effect, this is a compelling argument to drive small to medium business into the cloud, singling out the advantages of using MS Exhange online as part of the Business Productivity Online Suite. Including:
- 60% reduction in time for managing email
- Control of costs
- 70% faster integration of new acquisitions (which must relate to the first statistic but is stated in a different way - sounds impressive but really just means that new staff can get online faster during a period of rapid growth)
Now that we have a vision for governance, it is certainly time to take a closer look at the benefits of Microsoft's Business Productivity Suite, and as promised in a previous post, my very NEXT post will look at MS Exchange Online in more detail.
Until then, the CLOUD really does have a silver lining (
and it is BPOS!)
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