
Monday, September 13, 2010

The View From the Cloud....Sunny With No Chance of Rain

Money Doesn't Fall From the Sky

OK - the whole cloud metaphor may becoming a little tired, but if you have never taken a look at the US Debt Clock (, do so now.  This makes the most compelling case for REDUCING COSTS that I have ever seen.

I love the way the tickers are moving up, down and sideways right before your eyes - although prime time viewing it is not - and the reality behind those numbers is mind-numbing.

Currently, the total US debt figure is sitting ever so slightly below the 54 Trillion US Dollar amount and ticking over rapidly.  Total debt per US Citizen is $173,825, total debt per family is $663,870 : all figures very helpfully coloured in RED.  With income per family a nudge over $63K. 

Of course, the US treasury has only to print some more money, and with a dwindling money supply - notice the numbers on the screen in the "Money Creation" group are counting down vigorously - this may be the logical course of action.

For the rest of us, the only way to solve the dwindling money supply even all the way over here in Australia, boil down to the following two options:
  1. Spend less
  2. Earn more
And now, with that segue, I am sure you are ready to hear about Microsoft Exchange Online.

Apologies for the economic beat-up, but I truly believe that the single, biggest advantage you will receive by going off premise with your email solution will be the cost savings. 

Based on Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, you will receive email, voice mail, calendars and contacts - the essential business toolkit, while removing the need to deploy, configure, monitor and update or upgrade your solution. 

Only a few days ago I posted on how has moved to MS Exchange online, and the significant benefits realised in that transition. 

More to come...

In the meantime:

The cloud has a silver lining - and it's BPOS!

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